In situations where the trademark registrar has denoted the trademark registration as “Formalities
Check” or “Send back to EDP”, then the applicant is given the opportunity of being heard or to
redress the error and so the application requires to be resubmitted. In such a case, the change in
trademark has to be set up so as to address all the errors as reported by trademark examiner.
The application form which is the Form TM-O is used for requesting rectification of trademark and
it has to be filed in triplicate.
It is important to ensure that the application for trademark clearly mentions and explains all the
grounds on the basis of which the rectification application is filed.
You should make your argument strong enough with sufficient proof to get the rectification done.
Aside from this we firmly recommend in case of Trademark Rectification contact an expert, and take
effective help of the trademark rectification expert, who is very much educated about the most
recent updates and advancements in the trademark market.